Punto IKEA Bayamón i Bayamón

Puerto RicoPunto IKEA Bayamón



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Carretera Nº2, Km 13.8, Bayamón, 00961, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-750-4532
internet side: www.ikea.pr
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.405171, Longitude: -66.1791674

kommentar 5

  • Vigermina Berrios

    Vigermina Berrios


    I don't like this store, how come you have to go to the store and order stuff and then you have to go pick it up. It does make any sense why can't they sell the things right there. They do have beautiful merchandise but.

  • Mr. Rossi

    Mr. Rossi


    Good cheap furniture, looks really modern. Even if it breaks down a few years later is so cheap I wouldn't mind buying it again. 4 stars because it felt small compared to US ikea and Lady that first gave assistance had attitude and seemed like she wanted to punch someone.

  • DE Rodriguez

    DE Rodriguez


    I wanted to purchase a bedroom set for my moms house. But I couldn't enter store with my 2 yr old daughter and mother because when you arrive they only allow 2 per family so since i was with my 2 year old, my mom was not allow to come along with me in the store and the security guard indicated we couldn't even talk inside the store. Then I requested for manager and he never came to talk to me. All i wanted to communicate was that they should definitely post these rules online. Then at store the folks had awful customer service and no desire to help find anything. Definitely not shopping at PR Ikea ever.

  • Ariel Acosta

    Ariel Acosta


    How you can explain that you can sale a article from the discount side because the employee on Charge was absent that day?

  • Myriam Laureano

    Myriam Laureano


    Always love IKEA..Today in Bayamon I was told 'families' cannot go in together. Came with my friend to help me pick out some office furniture. She was not allowed in..explain? We offered different options..still denied.

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