Caldera Café Coffee Shop i San Juan

Puerto RicoCaldera Café Coffee Shop



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1057, Puerto Rico 25, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-710-3299
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4529483, Longitude: -66.077842

kommentar 5

  • Chef Roberto Trevino

    Chef Roberto Trevino


    Walking by a hundred times I finally decided to stop in... I asked for a Coffe black no sugar & a really small oatmeal cookie. No problem ... then the price an 8oz coffee a three inch in diameter (although tasty) cookie a whopping $5.35 ! Coffe was not good either totally water down to make up the 5 extra onces ..! oh well when will stores learn by giving good service & a quality product will make all the difference for your guest . I will not return to bad it’s cool spot

  • Beza Wossene

    Beza Wossene


    Awesome breakfast! Chef loves what he does and his passion shows through the quality of food!

  • Winston T.X.

    Winston T.X.


    Sorry for the low score I don't know how you burn eggs. The Coffee was good. I told them and it seems they did not care.

  • Angie Ocasio

    Angie Ocasio


    Coffee was amazing! Food was also great especially the tostada. Great little spot.

  • Joanny Sanchez

    Joanny Sanchez


    Tried this place for the first time. We ordered some scrambled eggs and omelets. They were simply presented but very tasty. Iced coffee was very good as well as the passion fruit juice. Place is clean, good food and inexpensive. This establishment gets: 9/10 Taste, 8/10 presentation, $/$$$ price, 9/10 atmosphere, 10/10 service, 9/10 overall experience ‼️‼️‼️

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