Caribbean Cinemas i Bayamón

Puerto RicoCaribbean Cinemas


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Expreso José De Diego, 00961, Bayamón, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-261-0665
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4242832, Longitude: -66.1634632

kommentar 5

  • Oscar Torres

    Oscar Torres


    I always go to this place because its near where i live and its peaceful, the people that go here are family friendly and always with their own kids no problem at all...

  • Socky Rivera

    Socky Rivera


    The best movies , time you spend with family.

  • Eliud Vazquez

    Eliud Vazquez


    It was a great atmosphere to be in I love the curved screen they have.

  • RICO1659



    Nice place to go during the day to see movies not very secure a night we don't see any security going around

  • juan collazo

    juan collazo


    Been here a lot, have cheaper tickets prices then some other theaters, also doesn't get packed as much as others so it's better for those who prefer more tranquility. Overall I enjoy it.

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