Caribbean Cinemas Metro i San Juan

Puerto RicoCaribbean Cinemas Metro


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1255, Avenida Juan Ponce de León, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-0465
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4503256, Longitude: -66.0736529

kommentar 5

  • Fer Bendiciones

    Fer Bendiciones


    Me gustó nunca lo avía visitado y muy económico

  • es

    Anibal Díaz Caceres


    Esta bien es cómodo y limpio. Pero es pequeño.

  • Kimberly Viveiros

    Kimberly Viveiros


    Went in to watch Black Panther and I was so delighted to not have to wait to purchase my ticket or food. The showroom wasn't crowded at all. Great experience.

  • Evelin Castillo

    Evelin Castillo


    The only bad thing about this theater is that it is small. I suggest the last seats close to the doorway. Aside from that, it's great. It's SPOTLESS, cheap, and they sell alcohol. What else could you want? I can't comment on the popcorn because we didn't get any, but the nachos were good. The seats are comfortable and recline back a lot. There's a girl that goes around taking orders once you've sat. No need to miss the previews nor the movie. The sound system is on the loud side so do wear earplugs if you have sensitive hearing. Had I known, I would've. I highly recommend this theater if you are in the area.

  • Josué González

    Josué González


    Excelente complejo con varias salas de cine y teatro donde presentan lo más reciente de las películas de Hollywood.

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