Caribbean Cinemas - Fine Arts Hato Rey i San Juan

Puerto RicoCaribbean Cinemas - Fine Arts Hato Rey


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Avenida Juan Ponce de León, 00917, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-765-2339
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Latitude: 18.4280493, Longitude: -66.0585278

kommentar 5

  • Alex Tonka

    Alex Tonka


    Unos de los mejores cines en San Juan. Cuenta con butacas en vinil bien espeaciosas y super comodas en sets dobles. El servicio es excelente. La comida en general es buena. El chocolate caliente y los pastries conjunto a la pelicula es la combinacion perfecta para tirarse la doble tanda.

  • Ruben Vera

    Ruben Vera


    Relaxed atmosphere... best times to go during weekdays... less crowded.

  • en

    José Santiago


    Excellent Venue to see independent or critically acclaimed movies. Has cozy and big chairs that makes the evening movie watching experience a pleasant one. You don't see your tipically blockbuster movies here but you get the same experience with other movies not showing elsewhere. Excellent parking lot and a variety pf food like sandwiches and sushi, not offered in other cinemas.

  • Michelle Striegel

    Michelle Striegel


    I was here a few days back, we watched 2 movies this day.. Darkest hour and The shape of water.. Love the serenity and peace of this theater.. Sometimes i want to watch a movie with just adults 😊 and this place delivers food is ok, wine 🍷 is also ok could get better.. Also they have Koi ponds and they are amazing to look at..

  • Frank Flanagan

    Frank Flanagan


    Best theater in Puerto Rico with extra large seats. The food generally sucks (though locals seem to love it!) and the wine is overpriced and not worth mentioning; you're better of getting a beer. This is a "arts" film cinema so you do get some good films here, many which go on to be famous.

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