Caribbean Cinemas - Fine Arts Popular i San Juan

Puerto RicoCaribbean Cinemas - Fine Arts Popular


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Avenida de la Constitución, 00917, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-765-2339
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4280493, Longitude: -66.0585278

kommentar 5

  • Business Web Admin

    Business Web Admin


    Excellent place to watch art house movies. If you want to see something out of mainstream and blockbusters - Caribbean Cinemas Fine Art is the location you need. It is steps away from Hato Rey Train Urbano

  • Walter Snell

    Walter Snell


    Some of the seats were quite uncomfortable. Convenient parking at a fixed rate. Commercials are often too loud.

  • Rafael Monroig

    Rafael Monroig


    No complaints here. I didn't get any disturbances thanks to Mr. Daddy Yankee. He is preforming near by and I essentially have the movie theater for myself. Watching The Current Wars. I even got to smoke a cigarette on the inside garden so that's a (+) for me.

  • Ebony Jones

    Ebony Jones


    Nice leather seats and great prices on concessions. Just remember to have parking validated before your movie, the guard may leave if your movie ends late

  • Rene Rivera

    Rene Rivera


    It's the best experience going to the movies in the Island. It has a great area offering the regular things you would buy in the movies but it offer's salads, beer, sandwiches and many other things that you can enjoy in the area or take it with you to watch the movie. I certainly recommend it.

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