Carli's Fine Bistro & Piano i San Juan

Puerto RicoCarli's Fine Bistro & Piano



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Lørdagåben 24 timer
206, Calle de Tetuan, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-4927
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4640563, Longitude: -66.1151237

kommentar 5

  • Francisco Herrero

    Francisco Herrero


    Great food, great service, even greater live music. Go to Carli's website to see who's live tonight!

  • Ashlyn TM

    Ashlyn TM


    It's cozy. I don't like the live band because it's a small place which makes it difficult to talk.

  • en

    Tania Serralles


    I love everything about this place. It is cozy, the music is superb and the people are very welcoming. The mojitos and the food are delicious. It is impossible not to have a great time!

  • Kelly Pope

    Kelly Pope


    Great location for a cozy fine dining experience. Tucked away near the waterfront, jazz notes can be heard wafing through the air as you stroll by - this is how we discovered Carli's. Food is fresh (local raspberries!), creative and tasty. Only one suggestion - we loved the jazz piano, but please remind the very talented pianist that he's in a small romantic bistro. Great music that would be lovely in the background, instead of so loud as to discourage conversation. An easy fix and would definitely go back!

  • Mathieu Coquelet Ruiz

    Mathieu Coquelet Ruiz


    What a great dining experience. As of 8 pm every day, you have a musician playing on the restaurant. It's jazz, or Brazilian lounge, in that vibe. The music is meant to blend with the atmosphere, to surround you while you eat but never to bother you, be too loud or steal the thunder from the main raison you go there: the delicious food. I had the Mahi Mahi and it was exquisite (a bit dry, hence my 4 stars, but I am sure I was just unlucky because everyone else around loved their food). There are tables and a bar. The waitresses were very nice, efficient and knowledgeable.

nærmeste Natklub

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