Casa de Montecristo Puerto Rico i San Juan

Puerto RicoCasa de Montecristo Puerto Rico



🕗 åbningstider

201, Calle del Cristo, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-705-4957
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4649483, Longitude: -66.1177401

kommentar 5

  • Yance Vargas

    Yance Vargas


    Excellent cigar lounge for a drink and cigar. Well kept and excellent service. Only issue I have was never visiting this business earlier. Will visit again.

  • Sophi Alvarez

    Sophi Alvarez


    Loved it but they didn’t put on the game Great place if you don’t want to watch the game.

  • Jordan Updike

    Jordan Updike


    This is a pretty fantastic little smoking lounge with a great selection, lovely atmosphere, and extraordinary service.

  • Hasan Q

    Hasan Q


    I love this cigar lounge. I visited for the first time last year and can not wait to go back. Excellent cigar selection. Friendly service. I was made to feel at home. Loved it.

  • Kareem Spratling

    Kareem Spratling


    This place is just fantastic! Whether you're an experienced cigar smoker or not a cigar smoker at all, there's something for you. The humidor and bar are both well stocked and staff are very knowledgeable and able to provide concierge service on both. Also, the place is beautiful. The decor looks to me like a classic cigar bar with a modern update. It's a must if you're in San Juan and appreciate fine things. P.S. Say hello to Javier. He's awesome!

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