Greengos i San Juan

Puerto RicoGreengos



🕗 åbningstider

310, Calle de la Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-705-2530
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4653513, Longitude: -66.1135686

kommentar 5

  • Marta Villares

    Marta Villares


    Awful customer service Waited half an hour for a Margarita. Another table next to us which arrived later got their drinks first. When I asked the waitress about it she was super rude. Then they got our order wrong and again the waitress was rude. Not coming back.

  • Daisy Negretti

    Daisy Negretti


    Best margarita I ever had and excelente service 🤗👍🙂

  • James Penniegraft

    James Penniegraft


    Wings are different but great

  • Ceci Shirley

    Ceci Shirley


    We had just arrived in Old San Juan, a day early for a workshop, and wanted a fun, authentic evening. Greengos accommodated our group of 19 with short notice. They took VERY good care of us and a fun time was had by all! : )

  • Perry Rodriguez

    Perry Rodriguez


    Renee, tending bar, was fantastic. Made us feel so welcome. Nachos and taco salad were good. The cucumber margarita was super refreshing, and the spicy margarita he served us was delicious and warming.

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