Verde Luz i San Juan

Puerto RicoVerde Luz



🕗 åbningstider

364, Calle de la Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-3737
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4657514, Longitude: -66.112273

kommentar 5

  • Steven Marrero

    Steven Marrero


    Great reastaurant located in old San Juan. I expected more quantity of food for the price.

  • Javier Ramos

    Javier Ramos


    Service was awful and the quality of the food was real bad. This restaurant doesn't represent Puerto Rican food. Never ever again!!!

  • Jesse Gurkovic

    Jesse Gurkovic


    Great service, great food, nice atmosphere.

  • Daniel Wells

    Daniel Wells


    My wife had the mofongo and she said it was the best she had on her travels around the island. I had fish and yellow rice and it was excellent. Prices weren't bad and the staff was friendly and accommodating.

  • Jason Irving

    Jason Irving


    Well, the hostess was very nice, but this is about it. The bartender was coughing and wheezing and picking his nose with tissues. Plus, he made himself a drink (ridiculous) on the job and was randomly changing the restaurant music. Annoying! Did he wash his hands? No!! Disgusting! The food was alright but the shrimp was over cooked. So, in short, avoid at all costs during lunchtime hours!!!

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