Inarú Restaurant i San Juan

Puerto RicoInarú Restaurant


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Calle Del Recinto Sur #311, San Juan, 00901, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-724-7384
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Latitude: 18.464505, Longitude: -66.1135135

kommentar 5

  • Bill Wojtas

    Bill Wojtas


    Outstanding service and food. Super friendly and knowledgeable staff. Great food quality, definitely a place to try! Worth the price!

  • Melissa Jaggers

    Melissa Jaggers


    Food was amazing, service was amazing! Drinks were amazing! Just amazing! Definitely coming back!

  • en

    H Turner


    You know the food was good because I very rarely ever leave reviews. This was hands down, the most incredible meal I have had in my entire life, from the food to the mojitos to our kind waiter Alex. I took one bite and instantly fell in love with the food. Bring your appetites! We had the half avocado topped with beef short rib for appetizer, seafood risotto, and camarones in coconut rum sauce. Ask for the house hot sauce, it's fantastic. 10/10, would return again.

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    christina gomez


    We were a large group (29! People!) And it was taking so long to wait for Raices nexr door that we ended up here. Everyone loved their good! Service was fantastic. Great prices. Go here!

  • Neil Collins

    Neil Collins


    Searching for a place to eat we were drawn in by the menu offering a variety of vegan, vegetarian and gluten free options, plus the friendly staff chatting to us outside. The sangria was freshly made, nothing special but enjoyable. The service from Danny was great, we have some food allergies in the party and he made sure everything came out just right. The pork and sirloin steaks were amazing and generous portions. We would definitely go back and would be happy to recommend to friends

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