Douglas i San Juan

Puerto RicoDouglas


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207, Calle de la Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1-787
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Latitude: 18.4654176, Longitude: -66.1141703

kommentar 5

  • Crystal Laureano

    Crystal Laureano


    They DO NOT wear mask here or do social distancing here !! So, be careful ! Also, there was a guy that said he worked there, that was drunk and yelling at some people for using a table that had no “closed” sign on it. Honestly, did not seem to friendly. The place next door called “PIRILO” was wayyy better!!! My friends and I will not be returning to this place though.

  • Katherine Nunez

    Katherine Nunez


    If I could give this place a ZERO, I would!!! Worst experience ever!!! No social distancing at all !!! Nobody was 6ft apart or wearing mask. My sister and I got a drink and went upstairs to play pool, midway into other game an Employee ( who was not wearing a mask and was extremely intoxicated!) came and started yelling at us in Spanish because we took off the cover the pool table and paid to play.. Apparently, the cover was there so no one would play on it, but there wasn’t any sign that said that in English or Spanish. We tried to apologize and explain to him that in New York, no sign with a cover, just means nobody has played on that table yet, but he just kept yelling at us in Spanish. My sister knows Spanish and even tried to explain to him in Spanish as he continued to yell disrespectfully at us and threatened to kick us out.

  • Sabbath D. Cayman

    Sabbath D. Cayman


    Popular establishment, some celebrities like to have a nice time here. Billards and beers are a must.

  • Mamotar



    Good for a drink and talk. Neat pool area. Ceiling is a little low for a 2 floor business but pricing and ambience was nice. Not too great for big groups. Overall good meeting spot.

  • Christine Owens

    Christine Owens


    We popped in here for some relief from the usual hot days in San Juan. The mojitos are a work of art. Carlos the bartender is hilarious and we ended up staying for more than one drink because he was so great!

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