Barrachina Restaurant Old San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoBarrachina Restaurant Old San Juan



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104, Calle Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-725-7912
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.464502, Longitude: -66.1171904

kommentar 5

  • en

    Riva Tourani


    Gorgeous courtyard and atmosphere, like something from a movie! delicious food and Pina Coladas. They have a cage with some gorgeous parrots and nice music playing in the background. I was only disappointed that I told them it was my birthday and they didn't offer anything complimentary.

  • en

    Monika Piazza


    This is the home of the piña colada! They are delicious. The food here is simple, yet super tasty. We had fish with rice and vegetables. The service was quick and friendly. The outdoor dining area was very nice. Very lovely place. Great for larger groups too.

  • Rico Suave

    Rico Suave


    The place that invented the Pina Colada. They even have a marble plaque out front proclaiming it. Once you've had one you will never have one anyplace else. It just won't compare. I had mine with Bacardi 8 yr. Amazing! BTW they also have great food.

  • Baz Trading

    Baz Trading


    My girlfriend and I left our luggage and ate here after our cruise. The luggage storage was very convenient for the restaurant to do for us. We left it for 5 hours and had no problems. We also ate dinner here and it was exceptional. The food was great and a very good price. Everyone here was very nice. Overall a great place!

  • en

    Diane Doebley


    This is one place we make sure we visit every time we are in SAN JUAN. Our first visit was with our Dad. So we go back each time as he loved there. Always good food and drinks. Great services

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