The Cigar House i San Juan

Puerto RicoThe Cigar House


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255, Calle Fortaleza, 00901, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-723-5223
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Latitude: 18.4653037, Longitude: -66.1150592

kommentar 5

  • Manelyn Rivera

    Manelyn Rivera


    Great ambiance, service and very welcoming people

  • Zhao TuoYi

    Zhao TuoYi


    The cigar selection is so good and most of their staffs are welcoming and helpful. The price here is reasonable and their cigar lounge is comfortable and large. You will also impressed with the large humidified cigar room with vast collections of cigars. And they doesn't have Cuban cigar as mentioned by many others, a little regret. It is also one of the two authorized Davidoff cigar retailers which attracts me a lot. But the owner is inhospitable from my point of view, if you ask him question, he will just reply you with few words with no further service, poker face all the time as well. That's why it get one star deducted. Anyway, good place in San Juan for cigar lover.

  • en

    Demetrius Whittington


    This place is a cigar aficionados dream. They have a large selection from the Caribbean.

  • en

    Jared P.


    Very impressive humidor and selection of cigars. Some really cool stuff in the shop as well. The bar/lounge at the back is a great place to enjoy a cigar and a drink. One of the best selections of beer and spirits in OSJ, maybe all of PR as well. Only gripe would be service, kind of seemed like we were annoying the staff.

  • Omar Rodriguez

    Omar Rodriguez


    Muy buena selección de cigarros y buen ambiente, propio para fumar. No es elegante. Los ceniceros estan llenos con frecuencia y no es muy limpio. Si esto no te molesta, como a mi, este es el lugar para fumar. Los precios son mejores que en la mayoria de los lugares en PR.

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