Cervantes Hotel i San Juan

Puerto RicoCervantes Hotel



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329, Calle del Recinto Sur, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-724-7722
internet side: www.cervantespr.com
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Latitude: 18.4648284, Longitude: -66.1128777

kommentar 5

  • Sean Callen

    Sean Callen


    Was fantastic...currently closed undergoing complete renovation.

  • Nathan Scott

    Nathan Scott


    The location was right in Old San Juan, the staff was very helpful and respectful. The room a/c unit worked well which was important regarding the weather outside in San Juan. There was a balcony that looked over the street with some nice Spaniard-influenced architecture. Carpet was less pleasurable than expected, definitely needed a deep clean- but the hotel was overall well kept and was much nicer on the inside than the outside. 4 stars well deserved.

  • Carmen Puryear

    Carmen Puryear


    The Cervantes is located in Old San Juan. You are within walking distance of nearly everything. Plus, there is a free trolley that stops right in front of the hotel as well. This hotel is smaller than what I had expected...But the rooms are very clean and nice. We were greeted by friendly staff that gave us a map of Old San Juan and showed us around a bit. When we walked into our room, we had 2 bottles of cold water, and our ice bucket was nice and full. The bed is fairly comfy (a bit kn the firm side)...But the sheets...Oh my, they are amazingly soft! The shower is tiled and has good water pressure. There were robes as well as nice complimentary toiletries. Complimentary breakfast as well, served from 8:30-10:30. Small selection, but it did have wait service, which I found to be rather nice. Good working A/C...So we were never hot. Overall, this has bee. A good experience for us!

  • Andréanne Pinard

    Andréanne Pinard


    Very comfortable room, big bed and beautiful bathroom for affordable price. Love where it is situated. Nice staff. Only problem is the windows are so thin we can practically hear everything outside during the night. But hey, totally worth the cost if you're traveling on a budget.

  • Gail Peckham

    Gail Peckham


    We loved it!! Except for the noise on Saturday night - it was an experience we will never forget. We toured the downtown area and the fort. We found the staff wonderful - they couldn't do enough for us. So the room was a bit small - who needs a big room - we were only there to sleep. We just loved San Juan - we were only there for a day but we hope to go back again

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