Cold Stone Creamery i San Juan

Puerto RicoCold Stone Creamery



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Paseo Portuario, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-2653
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.464202, Longitude: -66.111235

kommentar 5

  • Dillon Dillon Dillon Bracken

    Dillon Dillon Dillon Bracken


    I usually love cold stone. It’s my favorite. We were here at 8:40pm and they wouldn't serve us... their closing time is 9 pm. The woman said she wanted to clean and leave right at 9. We had driven all the way from outside osj with a group of people to go specifically to Cold Stone. This is false advertising and bad customer service .




    Great place. Nice staff. Delicious ice cream.

  • Timothy Levine

    Timothy Levine


    Ice cream is phonemenal

  • I R.

    I R.


    I went to Stone Cold with my bf about 3 weeks ago. I decided to call in so I can order in advanced so I wouldnt have to wait too long and for safety measures due to covid. They told me I couldnt order over the phone because the ice cream might melt while they are waiting for me. I told them I was only 5 mins away and would get there asap, the employee said " ok well theres nobody here", I replied " ok can I please order? He just kept saying the store was empty. I finally get there and there is a huge sign in front of the store with the phone number indicating customers could order via phone. False! When I get there was a strong marijuana smoke smell! I know theres a dispensary right next door but it was pungent and the store looked a little smokey from the inside. The employee in the cash register did NOT have a mask nor gloves. He was just over the cash register in his phone. As soon as I enter theres no greeting but he said very harsh: Theres no atm! Me: Its fine I have some cash There was poor air conditioner and the ice cream did not look in its best state. Then another employee comes over to serve me ice cream he decided to put on his face mask. "Yes, a chocolate milkshake, please" Employee: "We dont have any milkshakes" I am flabbergasted by the horrible customer service and this is no way to treat loyal customers. Ive never had an issue before with any Cold Stone. I just left and I dont think I will be returning and I wouldnt recommend anybody going ever. Its a shame because this is the closest Cold Stone Creamery to me but now am forced to go to Baskins Robbins since its closer and the customer service is a lot better.

  • Deepak Ghosh

    Deepak Ghosh


    Good customer service and good product

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