Gustos Coffee Co. Miramar i San Juan

Puerto RicoGustos Coffee Co. Miramar



🕗 åbningstider

Avenida de la Constitución, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-300-2580
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.453937, Longitude: -66.079857

kommentar 5

  • Obituario Puertorriqueño

    Obituario Puertorriqueño


    Great coffee shop. Service is very good and employees are always ready to suggest alternatives.Excellent place to chat with a friend over a good cup of coffee.

  • Phatty Arbuckle

    Phatty Arbuckle


    Delightful, friendly, and helpful service and without a doubt the midst scrumptious breakfast and coffee we had in Old San Juan. I thought recommend visiting and ordering any of the coffees. My fave menu item is the Aguacate. Delicious!!!

  • Miguel Rodriguez

    Miguel Rodriguez


    Coffee is perfection! Baristas are super friendly and very knowledgeable

  • elrebdezac Sal

    elrebdezac Sal


    Great spot for brunch! The coffee and food are delicious! Loved the french toast! Service is excellent!

  • david alexander

    david alexander


    Great coffee at reasonable prices. I personally liked it much better than Starbucks at half the cost. Clean and friendly service

nærmeste Cafe

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