Extra Space Storage i Toa Baja

Puerto RicoExtra Space Storage



🕗 åbningstider

346, Puerto Rico 2, 00949, Toa Baja, Candelaria, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-474-2884
internet side: www.extraspace.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.403678, Longitude: -66.2058179

kommentar 5

  • Scott Nairne

    Scott Nairne


    This place is really really fantastic! The building is very new and extremely clean. The people in the office are always very helpful. I have had a few storage lockers here for over 4 years and now I added a parking space. I have never had any problems and it is very safe.

  • monica hernandez morales

    monica hernandez morales


    Excelent service

  • Evelyn Gonzalez

    Evelyn Gonzalez


    Excellent for storage, very good prices and different sizes depending on your needs. Nice employees!

  • Monica Otero

    Monica Otero


    Excellent customer service! Genesis was very welcoming and friendly. She explained everything very clearly and was very helpful. Thank you for the great service. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • Walt Johnson

    Walt Johnson


    Controlled access though a gate with an individual security code. Clean and safe. Well managed. I have never had any issues at this location. The interior units and hallways are always clean. There are rolling platforms available at the entry/exit doors to help you move your things between you car/truck and your unit. The climate controlled interior units are secure and the air conditioning always works

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