Fufi Realty i Carolina

Puerto RicoFufi Realty



🕗 åbningstider

187, Dalia Street, 00979, Carolina, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-585-6858
internet side: fufirealtyteam.business.site
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4426094, Longitude: -66.0149752

kommentar 2

  • Leni Lola

    Leni Lola


  • ady Marks

    ady Marks


    My experience with Fufi Realty has been nothing short of amazing! The staff is very friendly and I felt at ease and comfortable right from the start knowing that I was in great hands. I was blown away by the very highest level of customer service that I have ever encountered! In all seriousness, Lenia, Amir and the entire staff, made me feel like I was their most important client and they were very helpful and thoughtful in every detail! Fufi Realty has shown me that they are dependable, reliable, courteous, informative, professional and I would recommend and give TEN STARS (because 5 stars only tells half of the story of how great of an experience I had with Fufi Realty)!!!!!!

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