Green Island Realty i Carolina

Puerto RicoGreen Island Realty



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Avenida Isla Verde, 00979, Carolina, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-791-1237
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4423724, Longitude: -66.0215288

kommentar 3

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    carlos baker



  • en

    Gina Schutz


    My friends and I have rented several apartments from Green Island Realty and we could not been happier!! We loved that we were only steps away from the beach. The apartments were very clean and had everything we needed. Everyone from Green Island Realty is so nice, welcoming and so easy to work with. We will definitely stay with them again!

  • en

    Edwin Baez


    Rented apartment 706 in coral beach and was told my tv would b fix in less the two days n they never fixed it! They wouldn't change my room or refund my money. My uncle rented 1609 in coral beach and had mold and broken tiles all over the apartment . Shades wouldn't work and wouldn't change there room either. They don't fix nothing and tell you it's the best place . I travel all over the world and this is the first time I've bin deceived . I will never recommend this place to nobody especially for the price they charging on the place that you are receiving.

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