Trinitaria House Vacation Rentals i San Juan

Puerto RicoTrinitaria House Vacation Rentals



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65, Calle María Moczo, 00911, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-902-0185
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Latitude: 18.451433, Longitude: -66.055842

kommentar 5

  • Lorencovič Miroslav

    Lorencovič Miroslav


  • en

    Lola Mento


    I had no electricity in my room (the rest of the place did), my window was across a pub that played LOUD music all evening, and the place was DIRTY. I wouldn’t look behind the tv (which by the way did not have cable as it was supposed to). Not that I would have been able to listen to the tv at a normal volume with the noise outside. The manager told me to call booking to cancel it, as I moved to a hotel late in the evening, then refused to issue a refund for the 2 nights. Booking didn’t own up to it either, in fact stopped answering my emails. DO NOT GO!

  • Juan Sarmiento

    Juan Sarmiento


    Check the sheets before accepting to stay here. You might be surprised...

  • D-Help Gpss

    D-Help Gpss


  • en

    Jose Pacheco Escobar


    Charming, cozy, great stay.

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