Hilton Ponce Golf & Casino Resort i Ponce

Puerto RicoHilton Ponce Golf & Casino Resort



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1150, Caribe Ave, 00716, Ponce, Playa, US
kontakter telefon: +1 787-259-7676
internet side: www.ponce.hilton.com
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Latitude: 17.971051, Longitude: -66.602355

kommentar 5

  • William Johnston

    William Johnston


    Absolutely gorgeous hotel. This place has its own beach, golf course and villas. Best beach you'll find in Ponce. Very friendly customer service and amazing pool area with water slides and a bar. You won't be sorry you stayed here!

  • John Rowe

    John Rowe


    Great stay! The hotel is pretty wonderful and has clearly bounced back well after the hurricanes in the fall of '17. The only thing that I would like to nit-pick about is they could have some extra attention to cleanliness in the bathroom. It was fairly minor and other than that it was a fantastic stay!

  • en

    Salvador Echevarria


    Bought a Pool Day Pass. Pool area is beautiful and well maintained. Access to the beach, kids playground and basketball course. Bathrooms with showers. Bar is a little pricey compared with outside prices. Great variety of food to order and great taste. Hotel has Casino and its located close to malls and tourist atractions. Staff is very friendly.

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    Waldemar Rivera


    We use this same hotel every year for our main activities at the Puerto Rico National Guard. We get military discount and treat us like kings. I'm a photographer at the Guard and I get to come here often to cover many activities and it's one of the best. My wife loves it because it has pool and activities for the kids. Like!

  • en

    Desiree Velazquez


    Never thought this place was so amazing. Its like a piece of Paradise on earth. Stayed 4 days with family and from step one check inn with Aimee, Bryan of Valet Parking,service was outstanding!!. I recommend this hotel 100 %. As a romantic getaway or family vacation it will meet all your expectations. Spectacular food also.

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