Holiday Inn Ponce and El Tropical Casino i Ponce

Puerto RicoHoliday Inn Ponce and El Tropical Casino


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3315, Ponce Bypass, 00728, Ponce, Canas, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-844-1200
internet side:
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Latitude: 17.978161, Longitude: -66.670509

kommentar 5

  • Carmen Rodriguez

    Carmen Rodriguez


    Good the room very clean i even left being me tablet and send me Mom to pick up saved

  • Carlton McCray

    Carlton McCray


    We came here and we had a issue with our room and Ray helped us out right away with our issue and also Angel further assisted us with our issue. This place is Great we still have a few days left but so far All is Well.

  • Karmen Lugo

    Karmen Lugo


    Great place to listen to music, dance if you like, eat and try yourself on the casino area...friendly environment

  • en

    Beth Bolish


    Not sure if there really is a bad view from this hotel! It sits on top of a mountain and gives great views of the city and sea that surround it. The staff is very friendly and helpful. The rooms are needing a minor bit of TLC, but overall a great place to hang your hat for a few days.

  • en

    Walker Dubberke


    Its no resort but, its a pretty nice place if you are looking to stay on the cheap. Nice little bar and restaurant inside. Good Wi-Fi and clean sheets.

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