Home + Patio Gallery (San Juan) i San Juan

Puerto RicoHome + Patio Gallery (San Juan)



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241, Avenida Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-277-0808
internet side: hpgstore.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4223299, Longitude: -66.0632707

kommentar 5

  • Alicia Ortiz

    Alicia Ortiz


    Excellent customer service but limited merchandise availability.

  • Gabriel Strol

    Gabriel Strol


    We purchased a Bukatchi 32” balcony table with 2 matching chairs based on Mohammed’s recommendation of having a 10 year warranty. We were very happy with it until we noticed some small rust spots and called the store. At first they tried to fix it but when it did not work they replaced the base and pipe connecting to the top. It took a bit of time but Home and Patio Gallery honored their warranty as promised. Good customer service and would definitely shop there again!

  • samuel nieves

    samuel nieves


    Im glad to make business with them

  • Connie Rivera Velez

    Connie Rivera Velez


    Beatuful patio furniture. Love it. 5 star

  • Kathleen Chelune

    Kathleen Chelune


    Excellent customer service! The agent showed me and my husband very nicely and very helpful all 3 floors!

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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