OFX office i San Juan

Puerto RicoOFX office



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213 Eleanor Roosevelt Street, San Juan, 00918, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-767-6302
internet side: www.ofxoffice.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.420558, Longitude: -66.060707

kommentar 5

  • Dioshy Cruz

    Dioshy Cruz


    Very helpful and courteous people. They answered all my questions and went with me over different options with a great attitude for over an hour. The inventory in the show room is awesome! Different items that go in perfect sync, for the modern and exquisite taste. After making my purchase, they followed up with me until I had the product on my hands. These guys really let me feeling like I was a valued customer and that I was part of the OFX Office family. I was lucky enough to find a hidden gem, one of the very few (and almost extinct) Puerto Rico-owned companies that know how to conduct business while focusing on the customer. Kudos to you, guys!

  • Luis Arias Villela

    Luis Arias Villela


    Great store, love the people and their minimalistic furniture

  • Lemuel Perez

    Lemuel Perez


    Find this places it’s imposible no sing or anything to find it. Don’t answer se phone and no one care about it

  • Angel M. Falcón Vazquez

    Angel M. Falcón Vazquez


    La mayor variedad de muebles de oficina para un espacio moderno, funcional y elegante.

  • Victor Gonzalez

    Victor Gonzalez


    Muebles de calidad a buen precio. Excelente atención y ayuda al cliente.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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