OFX Office i San Juan

Puerto RicoOFX Office



🕗 åbningstider

213, Avenida Eleanor Roosevelt, 00918, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-767-6302
internet side: www.ofxoffice.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.420558, Longitude: -66.060707

kommentar 5

  • Marlene Rivera

    Marlene Rivera


    Excellent service and most important they have stock of the items. More than selling products they care about the experience we have as costumers. 5 Stars Service!!! Thanks Angel Falcon

  • Tom Jones

    Tom Jones


    Careful with the pre ordering. Pre ordered a desk , in three months i never even got a call and when i finally got one i got told that they sold my desk to someone else. I did get a refund but it was s total waste of time.

  • Marjorie Sanchez

    Marjorie Sanchez


    Very professionals and excellent quality service. You can see that they work as a Team even with the current Pandemic situation. Very Organized. Desks and chairs excellent quality. Recommended 100%.

  • Jeremy



    Great products and great service 5 stars also my new gaming chair is quite awesome!

  • María Elena Nieves-Meléndez

    María Elena Nieves-Meléndez


    Good quality products and customer service. Furniture is modern and stylish. A great option for your office in Puerto Rico.

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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