La Terraza De San Juan i San Juan

Puerto RicoLa Terraza De San Juan



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262, Calle del Sol, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-2014
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4670667, Longitude: -66.1151222

kommentar 5

  • Gunther M

    Gunther M


    Very nice hotel! Our room had a king bed and a full kitchen! Sheets and towels were fresh. Terrace is INCREDIBLE. The views and pool are fantastic. 4 stars because the room itself could use a deep clean and breakfast is listed as an amenity but when I asked, they said it is not anymore. We would definitely return here.

  • Siary Cherry

    Siary Cherry


    This place is such a gem.If you like historic sites .Thats the best place to stay quiet ,clean and welcoming. Lori and the night gentleman were superb with their customer service.I am definitely going back .loved it. Comfortable place to be .

  • Julius Fayall

    Julius Fayall


    GREAT PLACE!!!!! Quite place,clean,close and convenient to all the major tourist attractions,and the staff is awesome!friendly,helpful,and resourceful.My wife and I can’t wait to return! We socialize with some great people from across the United state,word can’t explain this hotel,(DIAMOND IN THE RUFF).

  • Tatiana Davis

    Tatiana Davis


    Nice place.. a Lil dirty/dusty. I literally had to go to the store for cleaning products/ airFresher and clean. Had a Lil musky smell.Nice staff, just need some sprucing

  • Alaric Evans

    Alaric Evans


    I almost don't want to say how much I enjoyed this place because I don't want other people to know and start crowding it out! Really though, this was everything we could've asked for in a quaint, beach town type vibe. Everything is in walking distance, nothing seems out of touch or Out Of Reach there's plenty of food to eat and plenty of sites to see. I thought I took more pics but oh well... ONLY downside was that it wasn't technically walking distance to the beach...😔🤷🏾

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