Melanzana i San Juan

Puerto RicoMelanzana



🕗 åbningstider

650 Ave Ponce de Leon, esquina Ave Miramar, San Juan, 00907, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-1010
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4564634, Longitude: -66.0848557

kommentar 5

  • en

    mac man


    Awesome atmosphere. Meatballs are excellent. Bread is great. Servers was prompt and polite. Great place to eat and have a beer or glass of wine.

  • Carlos Robledo

    Carlos Robledo


    I liked this place much better for their Italian fare than their pizza offerings. My dad ordered the squid ink pasta and it was great, but the pizza I got was nothing to write home about.

  • en

    Nite Traitor


    Decent pizza, pappardelle was tasty but over sauced, croquets were OK. Food, I suspect, is generally too salty except for pizza. Prices are high. Service was good. Makes you think that they are cooking by formula without tasting. Ambience is loud.

  • Grant Colon

    Grant Colon


    Pretty good Italian food when you're looking for a break from all of the amazing Latin cuisine in the area. Had a decent whiskey and rum selection as well. Address didn't come up in Google Maps, so be careful where you send your Uber, etc.

  • Rico Suave

    Rico Suave


    Great food, wine list, beers and spirits. Nice bar. Really like the food. Nice place.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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