Subway i San Juan

Puerto RicoSubway



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Fredagåben 24 timer
Lørdagåben 24 timer
Søndagåben 24 timer
1025, Ashford Avenue, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-4244
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4600051, Longitude: -66.0785568

kommentar 5

  • Lyvanice Perez

    Lyvanice Perez


    Great service, safe & following all covid protocols.

  • Jamar Johnson

    Jamar Johnson


    I just ordered from this particular branch and the server Vivian was incredibly rude and unprofessional, I suppose she had an attitude given that I prefer to talk to her an English rather than in Spanish. She also tried to correct me on the difference between a sandwich wrap and a particular sandwich which actually made no sense at all oh, and I just simply told her it's not even worth my time other people in the restaurant and noticed her rude behavior and apologized on her behalf for me. At the end I did bring it to her attention that she was being quite rude, and her lame excuse was that her English isn't so great, and I simply told her that it's about respect and I told her that in Spanish so that she gets the point. If I were you and if you wanted a Subway sandwich, until the management decides to find better staff to service the customers , I will advise to go to another location. Update: so September 7th 2020, I run into Vivian and she still works at the restaurant and she made it a point to try and low-key mock me I guess as a result of this review. This a testament to the poor level of service here. You would think with the number of businesses hit by the coronavirus, that businesses would opt to treat customers with at least a decent amount of respect. And to penalize Bad actors within their ranks. Will not visit again.

  • Jose Orihuela

    Jose Orihuela



  • N Williams

    N Williams


    Good clean location. Nice and friendly staff. Food was consistent to other locations.

  • Danny Champion

    Danny Champion


    Absolutely clean resturant. But even after being put in the oven the sandwich was cold. I felt like the workers would rather have taken a beaten before waiting on us.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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