Museo de las Américas i San Juan

Puerto RicoMuseo de las Américas



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Calle Beneficencia, 00926, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-724-5052
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Latitude: 18.4675582, Longitude: -66.1200786

kommentar 5

  • Daisy Vega

    Daisy Vega


    Great place for learning Puerto Rico & Américas History. Family place.

  • en

    Radames Rios


    Museo de las Américas / Cuartel de Ballaja it's a landmark in Old San Juan. It's a historical building from late 19th century. At first it was a military headquarters for the Spanish army during the colonial era,then it was a military hospital for the American troops during WWII and the Korean War, and now is the home of the Museo de las Américas. It has many exhibition halls featuring art from all over the Americas and Africa. It has restaurants,souvenir shops and plenty of space to have a good time with friends or family. It also hosts cultural and musical activities. If you ever go to Old San Juan,Puerto Rico, don't miss the opportunity and pay a visit.

  • Lianna Dang

    Lianna Dang


    Inside a quiet square (also containing a small cafe/coffee shop) and currently being renovated from storm damage, there is still an exhibit open called Catharsis. This exhibit was beautiful and full of pieces from local artists and students to express their feelings from the storm, aftermath, and recovery. Some were hopeful - others more critical of the storm recovery efforts - but overall helped us as tourists empathize with the local culture.

  • Shannon Sha

    Shannon Sha


    Wowzer, this place is gorgeous and informative and cool. They have so many artifacts from native tribes, folk arts and crafts, information about the abolitionist movement. It's mind-blowing. They have a couple of contemporary exhibits too, which is neat. Bargain at 6 bucks per person.

  • Eli Ditmore

    Eli Ditmore


    The museum has 8 exhibits in total to visit (2 static & 6 rotating) however a recent fire has removed one of the rotating exhibits, and there is always the chance that a rotating exhibit will be in transition. Nevertheless expect to find at least 6 exhibits on any visit to the museum. The building itself is quite historic and had been used as hospital during past wars. The lower Plaza remains open to the public all day and is lined with restaurants, you will often find people gathering here for art or music lessons, the second floor contains the museum, though be sure to pay for your tickets in the gift shop or you will be making an extra trip up the stairs. The third floor is used for government offices. Plan for a 1-3 hours here depending on how much time you like to spend on each place. This is a good midday activity as it will keep you in AC and out of the sun.

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