Nestle Toll House Condado i San Juan

Puerto RicoNestle Toll House Condado



🕗 åbningstider

55, Avenida Condado, 00907, San Juan, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-504-3919
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4558217, Longitude: -66.0716835

kommentar 5

  • FrancoAndrés Rivera Lozano

    FrancoAndrés Rivera Lozano


  • Courtney L

    Courtney L


    Great coffee and the staff were super friendly. I had an iced coffee and my husband had a hot black coffee. Really smooth and delicious.

  • José Oliver-Didier

    José Oliver-Didier


  • Chad Palermo

    Chad Palermo


  • Mayra Sotomayor

    Mayra Sotomayor


    Worst customer service. My friend and I were not acknowledged when we walked in to the store. The employee then took someone else’s order that came after us. We let her know we were there first, the employee did not apologize and continued to take the other person’s order. My friend ordered a banana split and the employee did not let her choose the kind of ice cream she wanted or toppings. She reported “the company is strict on how the orders are”, it appears she was basing the order from the picture on the menu.

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