OfficeMax i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoOfficeMax



🕗 åbningstider

#9, Calle D, 00969, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-272-7233
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3712389, Longitude: -66.1110596

kommentar 5

  • Sebastian M. A.

    Sebastian M. A.


    Office Max is the best shop for supplies!

  • Eli Garcia

    Eli Garcia


    The pickup service was pretty quick, and the line inside as well. Not giving 5 because the Google Maps direction was COMPLETELY wrong. This Office Max is next to the Amigo Supermarket. (Thank God that another user added the Amigo picture to the Officemax Google Maps direction. )

  • Francisco Javier Ramos

    Francisco Javier Ramos


    This is the worst website ever 😡 ... how in the world you can't find the email of the store anywhere in the page. The thing is I have sent emails before but the damn Office Max email is so ridiculously complicated that not even your email browser can find it ... this is so frustrating ...

  • Evelyn Rodriguez

    Evelyn Rodriguez


    I have always found them to be expensive. I saw a man who was shocked because he took a chocolate bar while he waited in line and then had to pay over $5.00 for it. Incredible!

  • Hildamar Rodriguez

    Hildamar Rodriguez


    Arrived around 8:25 pm directly to self-service computer. Tried to print, but no toner. Instead of replacing the toner, they put an Out of Service sign and had to do the line right behind three people that got here after me. It amazes me how OFFICE MAX/DEPOT can’t replace a toner in less than five minutes. Yes, still here waiting for my turn. Thank you self-service!!!

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