T-Mobile i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoT-Mobile



🕗 åbningstider

#9, Avenida Albolote, 00969, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-708-1134
internet side: www.t-mobile.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.3633718, Longitude: -66.1136714

kommentar 5

  • Tonca Lara

    Tonca Lara


    Superrr good service

  • Brenda Cruz

    Brenda Cruz


    The service is lousy, I just needed to know if and I had a specific color of the Iphone X available so then sign me up and wait and they answered that I did not know what to check, I had already called but they do not answer the phone, well the reality is that neither San Patricio, a telephone company and they do not answer theirs, the only ones that do are the ones in Plaza Guaynabo a shame that did not have the color they wanted. Much to improve in customer service.

  • Josean Cruz

    Josean Cruz


    Only 2 or 3 employees for a busy store the first time I made the number 12 and they attended me in 1 hour 40 minutes the other time I made the 14 and left after 2 hours and there were still 6 missing

  • Wanda Ramirez

    Wanda Ramirez


    I went very badly to pay and although I was on the list they attended a person who was not even listed

  • Rocky lopez

    Rocky lopez


    Terrible attention, I get to request a new line they kill themselves for attending

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