Perito Electricista | JT Electrical i Río Abajo

Puerto RicoPerito Electricista | JT Electrical



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Santa Maria, 00693, Río Abajo, Río Abajo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-628-5664
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4336512, Longitude: -66.3910648

kommentar 5

  • Migdalia Nazario

    Migdalia Nazario


    Excellent as a worker and person I recommend it.

  • Jean C. Concepción

    Jean C. Concepción


    Firstly, I must say that the quality of the service and treatment was exceptional. Mr. Jaime Tirado and his colleague were extremely responsible with the task of restoring energy to my home. He is an extremely responsible person, respectful and committed to providing an excellent service. I was definitely satisfied with the work done at my humble home. With real and honest prices, you will not regret the high service that will be provided. Highly recommended. Thanks Jaime and his partner too. Thank you!

  • Evan Rose

    Evan Rose


    Extremely responsible and provides a high quality service providing excellent attention to detail. I am very impressed!

  • Rey Diego Collazo

    Rey Diego Collazo


    Very professional and attentive to the details. Punctual and with a lot of commitment. He always maintained communication and was accessible and very reasonable prices. I would recommend it 💯👍🏽

  • Mayra Melecio

    Mayra Melecio


    He is very professional and serious person. I would recommend him. He has Knowledge and very responsible.

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