Sam's Club i Caguas

Puerto RicoSam's Club



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Plaza Centro II Ave Rafael Cordero, Caguas, 00725, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-746-1001
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.2493389, Longitude: -66.0214267

kommentar 5

  • Nellie Navarro

    Nellie Navarro


    Good price and more items too

  • Marah Rivera

    Marah Rivera


    I love to came here

  • en

    Angel Suarez


    Poor selection of products campared to Costco. I'm a Florida resident and still can believe the poor management from Sam's club in Puerto Rico, I really don't understand their lack of uniformity from US stores to the point of been forced yo close the long time Carolina store. Just a petty that they keep running that operation inefficiently, closing stores because they don't know how to compete with Costco. Sorry Sam's but this is a Flunk. Consider firing local management and bring new blood to the management.

  • en

    Idalys Torres


    No way I can communicate by phone. No other alternative to communicate with this Sams Club in Caguas and I need a prescription refill.

  • en

    Danilo Piñeiro


    Puerto Rico we really need to take a step further to make sure that these Sam's club have all the inverter they need to help their people here.God bless you thanks again.

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