Floristería Memories By Lei i Gurabo

Puerto RicoFloristería Memories By Lei



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Calle Angel C Morales#8, 00778, Gurabo, Gurabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-214-6263
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.2560023, Longitude: -65.9724907

kommentar 4

  • Cherry Guzman

    Cherry Guzman


  • Yami Colon

    Yami Colon


    Excellent service! Very satisfied! I called the same day that I needed the repair, without many expectations because I knew it was last minute. From very early and before opening the store they attended me quickly by text. I was able to order and pay from the United States without problems. The arrangement was beautiful and it was delivered just at the agreed time. I recommend them 100%. My experience was very positive.

  • May Ort

    May Ort


    Beautiful arrangements. Reliable and excellent service.

  • Eve G

    Eve G


    The Memories by Lei did a fantastic job with a funeral flower arrangement for my dear aunt. I found Memories by Lei on the web. The shop is located near the funeral home in Gurabo, Puerto Rico. Since I do not reside in Gurabo, Puerto Rico, the whole transaction was done over the phone. I was emailed an electronic request for payment. Within a couple of hours after my call, I received a text with a picture of the beautiful flower arrangement that had been prepared and delivered to the funeral home. My cousins ​​were pleased with the beautiful arrangement. I recommend this shop strongly. Above translated to English .... Memories by Lei, did a fantastic job with a funeral flower arrangement for my dear aunt. I found Memories by Lei on the web. The store is located near the funeral home in Gurabo, Puerto Rico. As I do not reside in Gurabo, Puerto Rico, the entire purchase transaction was made by telephone. They sent me an electronic payment request via email. A couple of hours after my call, I received a photo of the beautiful flower arrangement that had been prepared and delivered to the funeral home. My cousins ​​were so happy with the beautiful arrangement. I highly recommend this store.

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