Sandy Beach Hotel i San Juan

Puerto RicoSandy Beach Hotel


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4, Avenida Condado, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-722-8640
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Latitude: 18.4567631, Longitude: -66.0713763

kommentar 5

  • es

    Jose Sanchez


    Buen hotel,aunque pequeño grande en atencion y hubicacion la doy un 10.Nice hotel,little but nice area and the service so nice....i gave a ten

  • Vince Callas

    Vince Callas


    This was the worst hotel I have ever stayed in. May have been clean but could not tell as it was so run down. Rust on the towel rods. Sheets were thin and rough. Only thing going for it was the location. Pay the extra money and stay at the Marriott next door.

  • en

    Philip French


    Great place to get a good night's sleep. You can hear the waves and surf from the rooms facing the Ocean. A/C works great, rooms are clean, a little dated but you get what you pay for. Very reasonable priceing and it is only listed at 1 star, BUT, why pay higher if you are only looking for a place to sleep. Very convenient location to CVS & WALGREENS, and a number of fantastic restaurants. Mexican, Chinese, Tapas, Starbucks, etc. Feels very safe in this neighborhood also, very busy in the evenings. Rebecca at the Front Desk is VERY helpful and does an excellent job of making you feel welcome.

  • en

    mylene legare


    The people of this hotel saved my day a week ago ! There were really nice to me and my two children and went way beyond what you can expect from strangers to help us ! Nice location, friendly people, cool terraces of many levels, everything is close !

  • G Ma Johnson

    G Ma Johnson


    It is a bit dated but in a nostalgic kinda way. Staff was engaging and friendly. It's a rock throw from the beach and quiet a few restaurants in walking distance. I didn't think the price was to much , for me the location made up for the pricing. I would stay there again.

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