Miramar Village Lodge Hotel i San Juan

Puerto RicoMiramar Village Lodge Hotel



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610 Calle Hoare, San Juan, 00907, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-221-7519
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.453362, Longitude: -66.08042

kommentar 5

  • Minerva Figueroa

    Minerva Figueroa


    Worst place I ve stayed in San Juan. The Neighbors upstairs moved to the cement Patio downstairs and played loud music most of the late night. The Mgr was nowhere to be seen. I will not stay here if I can help it. The room was disgusting, rust in the shower and bathroom sink. The hotel looks like it is crumbling, cracks on outside walls, a puddle of water from the Air conditioner right in front of the entrance to the room, the outside gate is rusted and hard to open. This place is a disaster. I had to stay as there were no other accommodations available in the área. The pictures shown on their page are at least 30 years old.

  • Lautaro Gimenez

    Lautaro Gimenez


    Una experiencia muy linda. Cerca del centro de convenciones donde teníamos nuestra actividad. Los restaurantes están cerca y a buen precio. El trato del personal muy bueno.

  • mario montesino

    mario montesino


    Nice experience. Love WiFi and AC.

  • maria santiago

    maria santiago


    Very pleased with the owner Angel Abreu, when you ask them to fixed something, they come right away. There rooms are clean, I have stayed in Ventana in Arecibo last year with my sister and we had a great time, nice pool overlooking the beach, it was wonderful, Miramar Village hotel is just as nice as Ventana, close to restaurants and grocery stores, bus is close to hotel, for us to see the beautiful Old San Juan Areas and El Morro (fort) reasonable prices, will visit again soon.

  • en

    Natalia Ruiz


    As a result of a health alert of Zika virus in Puerto Rico, we have to change plans, so we canceled our reservations more than 3 weeks prior. But manager/owner charge my credit card all payment due at check in and did not want to refund $668 that was due three weeks later. He states he sticks to his policies. when there is a clause stating on his invoice "final payment due at check in", He is a thief. Do not make a reservation if you are not $200% sure or he will steal your money. He has no clue what costumer service is, all he know is to charge costumer credit cards.

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