Condado Lagoon Villas At Caribe Hilton i San Juan

Puerto RicoCondado Lagoon Villas At Caribe Hilton



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1, San Geronimo St, 00901, San Juan, US
kontakter telefon: +1 787-977-8825
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.462143, Longitude: -66.085294

kommentar 5

  • Vivian Cintrón Rosario

    Vivian Cintrón Rosario


    Recibimos un trato super amable y servicial en el front desk de parte de Jesús. Nos buscó la mejor habitación con una vista preciosa. Se esforzó en ayudarnos y complacernos. Estamos muy agradecidos y recomendamos este lugar.

  • es

    Gemma Figueras Reyne


    Acogedor y buen trato, buena relación calidad/precio"le faltan servicios", como por ejemplo un barecito para desayunar o tomar algo durante el dia

  • Leandro Viscarra

    Leandro Viscarra


    Not an actual hotel but privately owned apartments. There is no beach access or parking. The Hilton was damaged by the Hurricane so they are rebuilding so it looks very old and NOT like the pics on here. With that being said the people at the front desk were very nice and helpful they even upgraded us to a nice room with an awesome view to the ocean and the city at the top floor. The lobby and the pool area do not look nice. it is located at Paseo Caribe which is nice area but so are other nicer hotels. Overall for 250 a night wasn't that bad but I could have gone somewhere else with a view but with nicer amenities. The 2 stars is mainly for lying about the beach access and for it saying that this was a Hilton when it wasn't.

  • en

    Jose Moreno


    They are using the image of Hilton as a bait... they are not a Hotel or Resort, not even a Motel. It's just private apartments that the owners rent for a couple of days. No room service, no housekeeping, no customer service... they don't even tell you where to park.

  • en

    Phil Schilling


    Quiet resort area ideal for families. Also near mercado (food court) which has really good food with lots of variety to choose from.

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