Sheraton Puerto Rico Hotel & Casino i San Juan

Puerto RicoSheraton Puerto Rico Hotel & Casino



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200 Convention Boulevard, San Juan, 00907, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-993-3500
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4541629, Longitude: -66.0902871

kommentar 5

  • Brooklyn Simmons

    Brooklyn Simmons


    Nice hotel! They have a lot going on and multiple places for food. Also gave out free shaved ice with your choice of flavoring to add, liked that a lot! Pool is nice and has a good view of where the cruise ships come in. Overall very pleased! Would come back. About a 25 min walk to the beach, very do able

  • Alan Chumbley

    Alan Chumbley


    Nice modern hotel nearby the convention center. Staff is very nice and assisted with recommendations and tips about the area. Rooms are big with comfy beds and all the modern amenities you would expect (safe, ironing board, coffee maker in the room). Wi-Fi is free and worked well. The pool is nice with lots of seating for sun and shade. The bar at the pool had good drinks and food. There are two additional restaurant options also inside the hotel along with a few alternate places within walking distance.

  • Benoit Courbin

    Benoit Courbin


    Choices Restaurant is a must! The service is top notch. The food quality is amazing. In particular, the conch and octopus salad starter. The churrasco is splendid, and the roasted veggies are succulent, cooked to perfection with the the right amount of charred flavor. A true gem in the hotel which should not be overlooked!

  • Grant Colon

    Grant Colon


    Easy to get to from the airport and obviously convenient for the convention center. All of the staff are super nice, the rooms are updated, and there are three restaurants to choose from. Great views of the bay and Old San Juan from the balconies and they lounge. Definitely feel the love here as an elite member as well.

  • Frank Schmidt

    Frank Schmidt


    Luxeriöses Hotel der gehobenen Klasse mit leckerem abendlichen Buffet...

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