Condado Lagoon Villas i San Juan

Puerto RicoCondado Lagoon Villas



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1, San Geronimo St, 00901, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-977-8825
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Latitude: 18.462143, Longitude: -66.085294

kommentar 5

  • Poseidon The God of Water

    Poseidon The God of Water


    The reason I have this a 2 star is for the view.... As far as the villas the patio door was rusted and in poor maintenance very difficult to open and close also the toilet was loose at the base obviously too large of a repair job to complete during our stay the rest of the room was ok...

  • LeBron Lebron

    LeBron Lebron


    Quiet, relax and conveniente

  • Maria Pacheco

    Maria Pacheco


    Horrible help. They don’t have staff at the front desk, only a Security Guy who not know anything. No help or service getting to our room. Lobby door was locked and we were forced to wait outside until the guard came back. We could only stay 2 night out of the 3 booked. The worst !!!

  • Christopher Ratcliffe

    Christopher Ratcliffe


    We had a great time here. The building is next to a large variety of food and drink spots. We had free covered parking in a nearby deck. Security ensures every person is a confimed guest before letting them enter. Our room was very clean, comfortable, and had a great view.

  • Courtney Lucas

    Courtney Lucas


    Horrible help. Toilet didn't work. No help getting to our room. Useless service. No warning that the beaches were closed. Only security at the location. Lobby door was locked and we were forced to wait outside for an hour until the guard came back. We could only stay 1 night out of the 4 booked and have asked for a refund for the final nights. Still no word. I'd be happy to change my recommendation if SOMEONE could reply to one of my 10 emails I've sent.

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