Caribe Hilton i San Juan

Puerto RicoCaribe Hilton



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1 San Geronimo Street, San Juan, 00901, Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-0303
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4629749, Longitude: -66.0860432

kommentar 5

  • Christina P

    Christina P


    Stayed there in December for a little family getaway. The grounds were beautiful. The beach was perfect. The people were great. The rooms were a little dated and not as clean when we first checked in. Otherwise 5 stars. They were strict with the policy of not allowing outside food at the pool even from the restaurants on their property which was annoying because everything was so expensive. The restaurants were great. We ate and drank at Rustica most nights. Delicious cocktails. The 9pm curfew didn’t seem so strict while eating at the hotel which was good. Overall not so bad considering all the Covid restrictions. Would definitely go back.

  • Tanya L Prince

    Tanya L Prince


    Simply wonderful hotel! The staff was extremely helpful, personable, and accommodating. I went for business conference and the conference area was really nice, it was spacious, we were all able to Follow covid rules easily. The hotel restaurants served great food. I believe for the quality of the hotel and the area that some of the tourist prices were outrageous for certain items that were possibly 40+% less just walking out of the door and going down the street to a similar space. However, it is what it is. I would likely go back.

  • Emmanuela Saintil

    Emmanuela Saintil


    Yes it is a beautiful hotel, but a bit pricey. First day checking in it took about 4 hours to get my room, Mojitos (the restaurant) very unprofessional. The waiter got upset because the bill shows that they take $5.40 out for their tip. He said no change and I responded yes I would like my change he got upset and gave all pennies. They’re pretty rude around the hotel. The view is beautiful but I wouldn’t do this place again and this is my second time in Puerto Rico.

  • Liz Correa

    Liz Correa


    I Definitely recommend this hotel the staff were nice and profesional. The hotel was very clean I liked that they took my temperature every time I came back to the hotel. When I arrived to my room door it had a seal to let guests know that you're the only one who entered that room after it was thoroughly cleaned.

  • Gretchen Rushing

    Gretchen Rushing


    Absolutely loved this hotel! I am deducting a star because the elevator didn't work and there is no easy access stair access. You actually have to walk outside on the balcony to exit the building, there is no inside access from the second floor to the third floor. The star deduction also includes the fact the jacuzzi was out of order for most of my stay as well. They had wonderful communication and customer service.

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