Scuba Dogs i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoScuba Dogs


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El Buen Samaritano, 00966, Guaynabo, US
kontakter telefon: +1 787-783-6377
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Latitude: 18.3941807, Longitude: -66.1205483

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nikesha Carter


    Thanks to Paco I was able to face my fear! I felt 1 with the sea life. Did I mention I can't swim? Paco was AWESOME! We couldn't have asked for a better dive master, and that he was "A MASTER." He was patient, knowledgeable, through, and handsome too. I would highly recommend Scuba Dogs especially for newbies. Ask for Paco, he will NOT disappoint. We had the pleasure of seeing a stingray. I could go on & on but this you must experience for yourself.

  • en

    Roberto Cabrera


    Great dives....

  • es

    Elbab Matosipp8ëhy/


  • Jesus Rodriguez

    Jesus Rodriguez


  • Eric Mendelsohn

    Eric Mendelsohn


    Took a beach dive as a sort of refresher before pursuing longer, more involved, perhaps photography dives off the east coast. The two dive masters were friendly, professional, and supportive, commenting on individuals' dive skills and putting my eyeglasses and gear bag away in safe places as I donned the tanks. The reasons I give three stars are a) the seeing conditions (typical?) were pretty poor because of the wind and waves stirring up sand and b) I feel I should have been supervised a little more closely (difficult to request once under water) as an unknown, buddyless diver who'd forgotten his C card (!). In the end I needed little help and diving was very comfortable; nevertheless I have greater confidence in dive shops when they presume less ability in me. YMMV.

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