Cantina 213 i San Juan

Puerto RicoCantina 213



🕗 åbningstider

213, Calle Canals, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-619-4621
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4504153, Longitude: -66.0696574

kommentar 5

  • george cordero

    george cordero


    Love good food

  • Bret Sullivan

    Bret Sullivan


    Best place for cocktails in placita...maybe all San Juan

  • dany runs

    dany runs


    Security here is on point. The price of drinks will remind you of NYC but the ambiance is what will keep you in Puerto Rico. Electro nights invites the creatives together and good vibes to flow. This isa great spot to pass the time and enjoy Puerto Rico without having to go far from the metropolitan area.

  • Josue Cruz

    Josue Cruz


    Two bars in one! A mixology lounge for grown ups, one of the best mixology bars in PR (definitely the best in Santurce), with a relaxed ambience and house music. And a fun bar with live DJs, urban and electronic music, crowded with local youth and tourists. If you want a great drink, meeting new people and converse with friends; or if you want to go wild, have fun dancing with random people and feel the vibe of the island they've got you covered!

  • GM Mate

    GM Mate


    Fun place. Their Mojitos aren't the best in the area.

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