Chili's i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoChili's



🕗 åbningstider

Calle Ortegón, 00968, Guaynabo, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-774-0295
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.408449, Longitude: -66.105944

kommentar 5

  • Myrtelina Verge

    Myrtelina Verge


    Very very good... generous portions, delicious Margaritas

  • Valentin Garcia

    Valentin Garcia


    Fast customer service and always asking if everything is fine. Great food.

  • Pedro Velazquez

    Pedro Velazquez


    Tasty run of the mill chain food but excellent service.

  • Angel Cabiya

    Angel Cabiya


    Nice place. Good food and priced reasonable. Food sometimes come NOT ENOUGH HOT or even cold. Service tends to be from regular to bad. On 9/29/19 went to eat at 5:20 pm. The girl in front told me to wait. She was talking. There were 4 tables empty from where I was. When she took us to the table it was dirty. She passed cloths to the dirty seats and left the table with trash and dirty. Decided to leave but asked for the manager. He didn't even tried to convince us of staying. Today 3/14/2021 the salad and services were nasty. Instead of improving they are going back.

  • Jose Pacheco

    Jose Pacheco



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