Ikebana Sushi Bar - Guaynabo i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoIkebana Sushi Bar - Guaynabo



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3, Avenida San Patricio, 00968, Guaynabo, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-782-6901
internet side: www.ikebanasushibars.com
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Latitude: 18.407115, Longitude: -66.1046184

kommentar 5

  • es

    Zaida Rivera


    Muy buena

  • keyyt Medero

    keyyt Medero


    Exelente atencion.y los platos rikicimos.

  • The Hell Spawn

    The Hell Spawn


    Good service delicious food, a bit expensive

  • Raymond Mangual

    Raymond Mangual


    The reason why I'm rating this restaurant with one star is because I visited Ikebana Thursday January 4, 2018 (Night Shift) and I got totally disappointed with everything this place have to offers to their customers. Currently I don't live in Puerto Rico, but I visit the island multiple times every year, and in Summer 2017 and now the service haven't change. I used to live in Puerto Rico and I was a regular customer of this restaurant for years, and I remember how great Ikebana used to be. Due In the past this restaurant was wonderful, I decide to give a second chance now on Christmas, but OMG horrible service, horrible food, and not only the Sushi but main entry quality was really bad. The customer service. OMG they totally forgotten they have customers and the waitress and supervisor stay in the back of the restaurant making jokes. I'm really disappointed of this Ikebana customer service. If any of the owners read this comment. You have a wonderful restaurant and due your employees, you are loosing faithful customers. I will never eat on this place again and I will never recommend Ikebana again. I used to recommend this place for sushi because use to be the best Sushi restaurant in Puerto Rico. Not anymore. My name is Raymond Mangual and I'm really sad with your food and customer service. January 4th, 2018.

  • Hector Marin

    Hector Marin


    Servicio muy bien y ubicación céntrica. El sushi ? Delicioso. Las cervezas? Super frías! Los precios están bien. En verdad que el lugar valía la pena. Teníamos un poco de prisa y se lo dijimos a la mesera, ella y el chef fueron tan cool que nos dieron la comida en 5 minutos.

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