CasaBlanca i San Juan, PR

Puerto RicoCasaBlanca


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402 Calle Sirio San Juan,, Guaynabo, Puerto Rico, San Juan, PR, San Juan 00920, Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-946-9000
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Latitude: 18.3988022, Longitude: -66.1077796

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kaye Marie


    We stayed here right after the hurricane for a cruise. The hotel was running on a generator. We had to carry all our luggage to the top floor. (Yuck). We ate at the restaurant the food was good but way over priced.

  • Carlos Colon

    Carlos Colon


    Good food. Rather expensive.

  • Julio Garriga

    Julio Garriga


    Me encanta la comida y el ambiente. Aparte es u o de mis brunch favorito los domingos. Love it

  • DMori SLP

    DMori SLP


    The food is awesome! The service is good!

  • Pablo Vega Behar

    Pablo Vega Behar


    Do yourself a favor and come here. ASAP. Food was amazing. We got: Pastelon de pollo, risotto, tostones, ceviche, sopa de calabaza, and several items on the Christmas menu, which unfortunately is only seasonal because on that menu was great.

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