Bambu Burger Latin Grill i San Juan

Puerto RicoBambu Burger Latin Grill



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Puerto Rico 19, 00920, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 939-338-7000
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Latitude: 18.3968442, Longitude: -66.1068999

kommentar 5

  • Valeria Torres

    Valeria Torres


    Staff was very friendly. I had a hamburger with bacon and it was very good.

  • JJ R

    JJ R


    Staff very friendly. The food was very good. Good hours.

  • Gladys Rodriguez

    Gladys Rodriguez


    Family spot 🤩 kids love arroz con habichuelas with anything 🧡

  • Dave Williams

    Dave Williams


    Discovered it is no longer the Burger House, now the Bambu Burger Latin Grill, a local chain founded in 1970. I had the Angus beef burger, topped with caramelized onions, with a side of onion rings and they were fantastic. This place has an extensive menu with reasonable pricing. It is a bit off the beaten path but worth the find.

  • RC Chao

    RC Chao


    Great neighborhood burger spot. Prices are good. They have a kids menu. It walking distance from Garden Hills. Service is good. Food time is average. Parking is tight but normal for the area. Will return.

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