Overtime i Guaynabo

Puerto RicoOvertime



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km 6, Avenida San Patricio, 00968, Guaynabo, PR Portoryko
kontakter telefon: +1 787-221-1010
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 18.4023899, Longitude: -66.0996378

kommentar 5

  • Linny Tenshi

    Linny Tenshi


    I didnt know they are now charging $5 each person for wrestlemania event




    El lugar está chevere pata baila

  • es

    Angel L Morales


    Es un lugar muy acogedor y se pasa muy bien en los juegos de Football. Los meseros y bartenders son bien atentos.

  • Gloria Hernandez

    Gloria Hernandez


    Espectacular lugar para pasarla bien y confraternizar con amistades. Buen servicio y buenos precios. Me gusta mucho el ambiente.

  • en

    Frank Swanson


    I have been in the restaurant/bar industry for 20 years and have owned two places as well. To say that I was disappointed today would be an understatement. I went in to watch some football. I went to the bar, got a couple of beers, and informed the head bartender where I was sitting. As I st at the table a waitress (who knows me as a regular) came to the table. I informed her that I started the tab at the bar, and wanted her to serve me. She said that it wasn't a problem. While watching the game with other folks at the table, she brought beers, and got my wing order. I wanted to stay longer and ordered another beer. After 3 trips to my table and the one next to me I was asking where my beer was. She shouted from across the other table something I couldn't hear. This happened a few times. Finally, when she was delivering a check to someone at my table, I asked again. After having waited for at least 35-40 minutes, I found out what the issue was. As I mentioned before, i go to the Overtime, spend a decent amount of money, and I tip well. When asked why she hadn't brought my beer she tells me that it was because the bar wouldn't transfer the tab to her. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? Why wasn't I informed of this in the beginning?!? Why didn't the bar and the server work this out between themselves to be sure that a regular got the service he deserved?!? I must say that I am extremely disappointed with the way this was handled!

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