Condado Palm Inn i San Juan

Puerto RicoCondado Palm Inn



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55, Condado Avenue, 00907, San Juan, PR Puerto Rico
kontakter telefon: +1 787-721-9500
internet side:
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Latitude: 18.4555013, Longitude: -66.0717183

kommentar 5

  • Chrisanny Carter

    Chrisanny Carter


    *Stayed During The Pandemic* Great Hotel It Was Clean Staff Was Great 💯 1. Pool & Jacuzzi Clean And Tidy (They limit the amount of people inside for social distancing purposes) 2. Gym Was Good Average Size ( social distance required) 3. Rooms Was Definitely Good Had Balcony View Of The Town And Beaches 4. Beds Were Comfortable And Clean (Still Inspect For Bugs) 5. Bathroom Was Everything Shower Was Nice And The Sinks Are Modern ! 6. They Overcharged My Credit Card But When I Contacted The Property They Said It Was A Miscellaneous And Refunded Back ❗️ But Other Wise Great Hotel Great Location Everything Was Just Great 💯❗️ Will Stay Again ❤️

  • Kath Hdez

    Kath Hdez


    The hotel is not prepared to be 4.5 stars as it said, the rooms are not in high quality conditions, the bathroom is ugly and looks dirty and not hot water, the sheets are not of quality, the towels are not soft, there were no sheets for the sofa bed, the breakfast was all frozen in a boxes, the telephones in the suite did not work and the service un professional. To finish they charge you an insurance that does not say anywhere and only deducts it from your account.. I DO NOT RECOMMEND IT

  • donte stokes

    donte stokes


    Good hotel for the price. It is definitely a 3 star hotel. Rooms are nice tho, our beds had bed bugs and we were bite tf up by the time we checked out

  • C Bokelman

    C Bokelman


    I was excited to see $159 rate for this hotel, when everything was booked said and done my $159 rate turned into over $250 a night. $21 a day for parking,, of which they tried to charge me hourly parking.... very frustrating. breakfast was extremely disappointing no protein, only cereal bread oatmeal. The lobby looked amazing, then we got our room and could tell the rooms were definitely not updated when they updated the lobby. The bathroom counter was full of water, carpets soaked with water from condensation issue with her air-conditioner. Front desk was responsive- Lismarie was amazing! This took a maintenance guy almost a half an hour to fix the issue and vacuum up the water from the carpet. I will never come back to this hotel.

  • Agent of Hope (AOH)

    Agent of Hope (AOH)


    This is a very good simple hotel. The bed is comfy, showers are very clean. The views are great but at least it's quiet. You're close to Walgreens and CVS if you need anything and they are both 24 hours. The staff is nice too. I didn't get to try other amenities but just looking at them seemed nice

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